Check out how easy it is to make calls.
Enter the phone number in international format to find out free call duration.
Country name | Talking time in seconds |
Bangladesh | 120 |
Bangladesh - Chittagong | 120 |
Bangladesh - Dhaka | 90 |
Bangladesh - Mobile | 120 |
Bangladesh - Mobile - Banglalink | 120 |
Bangladesh - Mobile - Grameenphone | 120 |
Bangladesh - Mobile - Robi Axiata | 120 |
Bangladesh - Sylhet | 120 |
Belgium | 120 |
Belgium - Proximus | 120 |
Bermuda | 120 |
Bermuda - Mobile | 120 |
Bhutan | 120 |
Bhutan - Mobile | 120 |
Brazil - Belo Horizonte | 120 |
Brazil - Cities Others | 120 |
Brazil - Goiania | 120 |
Brazil - Rio De Janeiro | 120 |