Check out how easy it is to make calls.
Enter the phone number in international format to find out free call duration.
Country name | Talking time in seconds |
Taiwan | 120 |
Thailand | 120 |
Thailand - Mobile | 120 |
Thailand - Mobile - AWN | 120 |
Thailand - Mobile - DTAC | 120 |
Thailand - Mobile - True Move | 120 |
Turkey | 120 |
Turkey - 444 Services | 120 |
Turkey - Adana | 120 |
Turkey - Ankara | 120 |
Turkey - Antalya | 120 |
Turkey - Bursa | 120 |
Turkey - Istanbul | 120 |
Turkey - Izmir | 120 |
Turkey - Nomadic Services | 120 |
Turkey - North Cyprus | 120 |
Turkey - Other Cities | 120 |